Sunday, August 23, 2009

My therapy

I just want to take some time and let all my friends in cyberspace know what me and my mommy do 5 days a week. We take weekends off because she thinks we both need a rest after out busy week. We get up between 6 and 6:30 am and mommy takes off my diaper and jammies and lets me run nakey butt through the house for awhile. That is just about my favorite time becasue I really really really hate to wear my diapers. I grumble and growl at mommy when she puts them on but that is just to let her know that I do not want it on me. Then we go to mommy's bathroom and mommy gets ready for her day and puts her fur on. Then we all (me, mommy and all my fursibs) go to the front room where mommy turns on the tv for the news and starts doing her chores. First she fills up both of our inside water dishes, then she feeds the fishies. After it is fishie food time comes the next best part of the day and that is doxie food time. She puts down the food for all the others because they free feed, and then she makes my special food for me, she squishes some pills up in my food to help me get healthier and she also adds some wonderful supplement to my food called OPC and if you have an elder doggy or a sick one you should do a search on it because it is fantastic stuff and has made my older sister Sarah the coonhound feel young again. Anyways back to MY food. Then mommy takes my kibble and mixes in a bit of canned food with it and adds hot water and stirs it all up to make a yummy gravy, then she puts it in my special bowl and stirs up all the pills and supplements in with my food. Then she brings my special bowl to my crate and opens the door and I zoom right in because I am always hungry and mommy gives me my bowl of food and shuts my crate door. I am kind of a slow eater so mommy lets me take my time and when I am done she takes my bowl and washes it out and puts it up until dinner time.

Then she gets on her puter and checks stuff out. After she is done checking puter stuff out it is exercise time for me. We always start out with water therapy, mommy puts my life jacket on me and fills up the bathtub with nice toasty warm water. She puts me in it as it is filling up and I sit there until it gets deeper and then when my life jacket makes it so my feet just barely touch the bottom of the tub mommy has me walk around. She also makes waves for me to learn to adjust my balance every once in awhile. She used to fill it deeper and I would swim but one day just all of the sudden I freaked out when I couldn't feel the bottom of the tub under my feet anymore. Mommy thinks that day is when I finally got complete feeling back in the bottoms of my feet but she doesn't know for sure and I ain't telling. hee hee hee We do that for 45 whole minutes then I get out and mommy dries me off in a fluffy warm towel that she had put in the dryer so it would be toasty warm for me. After that comes a bad part, we go to my changer table that Auntie Chrystine got for me and mommy puts my dumb old diaper on me, but after the icky diaper gets on I get to put on one of my very cute onesies to keep me warm, AND to keep my from tearing my diaper off. Then mommy used to carry me to the living room but now that I can walk again, I walk to the living room with my fursibs. Then I lay in the chair by mommy and take a little nap, after being down for so long I get tired and worn out pretty easily.

After I have snoozed for about 30 minutes or so mommy wakes my up and takes me on her lap and gives me the most delightful massage. She does that for nearly an hour because she spends extra time working on my back legs to stimulate the muscles and nerves there for me. Then I get down and go get a drink of water. Sometimes after that I will go play toys with my puppy doxie sister Lacey and other times I just want to lay by mommy some more.

Then at about 1:00 I get to go outside and play in the yard for 30 minutes. I love that. I never got to go outside at my old home and there are so many delightful smells outside. I like my first trip outside of the day because mommy takes my onesie and diaper off and lets me go nakey butt. I LOVE to roll in the grass. My fursister Lacey always sticks very close to me when I am outside because she thinks she needs to take care of me. We are very special friends. I love all my fursibs but Lacey is my favoritest. Although I must admit I have a bit of a crush on Dexter, he is a very handsome lonnghair chocolate piebald and I kind of make a fool of myself over him when I am near him. Sometimes I bug him a bit too much and he will jump up on a chair where I can't reach him. That makes me bark.

After I come in from outside it is back up on mommy's chair for another nap. When I wake up mommy and I go back to the changer table again and I get another icky diaper on me and my onesie back on, then we start my exercises, I have several exercises that I do with my legs for the next 30 minutes. My favorite ones are where I lay on my side and mommy will push against my feet and I will push back against her hand with my feet. She does this one foot at a time and I think it is kind of fun to do this one because I can push harder and harder all the time with my feet now. Another one that I really like is I will lay on my back with all my feet in the air (I like to lay on my back too) and mommy will take my back legs and move them in little circles she says it is like I am riding a bike. I like that one too because it always ends with the most glorious tummy rub for me.

After this mommy makes my dinner for me and I have my dinner in my crate. After mommy gets my dinner dishes all washed up I lay on her lap for another hour long massage with extra work on my back legs again. This time when I get my massage because my tummy is all full to I get so relaxed that I fall into the nicest sleep ever.

Then in the afternoon I get to go outside again but only for about 15 minutes this time and it isn't as much fun for me because I don't get to be nakeybutt this time. But I still love my outside,

I have to say it is so nice to be loved and cared for so very well. And to think my former owner was going to have me killed because I couldn't walk. I guess we all know better now don't we.

Now my mommy is trying to save up so that we can start accupuncture treatments for me so that hopefully I will not have to wear diapers anymore. It is pretty expensive though so we are hoping for yet another miracle for me so that this can happen too.

In my next post I am going to just put up a whole bunch of pictures and videos that mommy has taken of me.

Wiggles and licks, your furry friend, the community doxie

Mira Bella


  1. Mira you are doing great-I'm so proud of you.
    Auntie Irma

  2. My goodness Mira you're a busy lady! Your momma sure takes such great care of you and even though you're a nudist at heart, bear with her when she puts your diaper and onesie on okay?


Thank your for reading and commenting on my blog, I hope you come back and check for updates often.

Wiggles and Licks
Mira Bella