Sunday, September 19, 2010

Things haven't been so good for me lately

It has been a rough few weeks for me lately.  My sister Sarah the coonhound went to the Rainbow Bridge on September 7.  But I have been having some problems myself too.

It seems that in my life before I came here I also suffered from a traumatic head injury that caused some brain damage.  Because of this I have Psychomotor Seizures they are also called Complex Partial Seizures.  These are not the kind of seizures most people are familiar with.  When I have a seizure, I suddenly for no reason at all viscously attack one of my fursibs.  Mommy always gets me off them and then I run to my crate and ask to be let in.  Once I am in my crate, I just lay there trembling staring straight ahead.  It can take me anywhere from 15 minutes of over an hour to recover from these episodes.  At first mommy didn't know what was wrong, but I had an MRI yesterday and now they know so they can give me the proper treatment to help make me better. It was just horrible when this would happen because I had no control and it made me really scared when it would happen.

I have had these episodes ever since I came to this home but lately they had gotten much worse and on Wednesday morning I even attacked my mom.  It was a good thing she is experienced with dogs so she knew what to do to keep from getting hurt.  I am happy that now this won't be happening to my as much and hopefully not ever, now.

So now my mommy has to find a way to come up with the money to pay for the MRI I had yesterday.  :(  We are going to be doing a fundraiser on my facebook page and auctioning and selling different things on there so maybe you could stop by and check things out and if you see something you like you can buy it or make a bid on it.

Wiggles and licks


  1. Hi Mira Bella,
    So sorry to hear about the seizures. Now that your mama knows what is happening she and the vet will be able to help you. {{{{MBV}}}} Post a message to all your fb friends, I know they will help out. Love and healing thoughts to you and +++ energy to you and mom.

    Love, Felisha ;-3

  2. well we don't have $$$ but we have pawers from me & my sister lucy....
    hope u get the med's foe that thing....


Thank your for reading and commenting on my blog, I hope you come back and check for updates often.

Wiggles and Licks
Mira Bella